Pile Testing
Avopiling complies with industry standards on pile integrity test, pile dynamic test, anchor tension test and inclinometer testing. We also undertake crosshole sonic log testing, pile tension tests and thermal integrity profiler.
Pile Integrity Testing using TDR2.
Tension tests using 350 tonne hydraulic jacks.
Pile Dynamic Testing using 7, 9, 14 to 25 tonnes.
Inclinometer Testing using MEMS Inclinometer apparatus.
Crosshole Sonic Log and Thermal Integrity Profiler using PDI Data Analyzer.Applications
Pile Integrity Testing (PIT) is the simplest non-destructive pile testing method. PIT testing is applicable to small and large diameter Bored, CFA and FDP piles. PIT testing is to determine the pile geometry, continuity, soil response and the soundness of a pile through its length.
Pile Dynamic Testing (PDA) Is used to determine pile capacity and subsequent working load to a pile. Pile Dynamic Testing is applicable to most of pile types.
Pile Anchor Tension Test - is to determine the tension capacity of anchors in the structure.
Inclinometer Testing is used to measure lateral movements in the ground through a borehole survey. This instrument can be used on foundations bored or CFA piles, retaining walls i.e diaphragm walls and slurry walls. This instrument is applicable for short or a long term observation of a structure, permanent or temporary.
- Avopiling is using a TDR2 Pile Signal Analyzer. Using a TDR2, it is essential that pile heads are to be prepared and tested to pile cut-off levels fotr its PIT Testing.
- Avopiling is capable to instantly mobilise its own impact hammers from 7, 9, and 14 - 25 tonnes suspended on cranes to undertake PDA tests using Pile Dynamics Inc. Analyzer Model 8G.
- Avopiling is capable to perform tension test up to 350 tonne.
- Avopiling is using a Digital Mems Inclinometer System with a wireless on-site data collector for inclinometer tests.