AWD & LHD Ship Sustainment Facilities Project
Project Outline
The project is to enable the berthing of Landing Helicopter Deck (LHD) warships at Fleet Base East (FBE) Wharves 1 to 4 at Garden Island, Woolloomooloo. The project is in two stages, first is the AWD & LHD SPO/TLSF Building then the construction of 4No of Storm Bollards located within Wharves 1-4.
Scope of Works
The works involved were excavating, bored piling, sheetpiling, pile trimming, blinding, steel fixing, formworking, concreting of pile caps including restoration of pavers in surrounding area of pile caps. Piling involves installation of 4No. 1350mmØ bored raked piles for each storm bollard pile caps with permanent casings ranging from 15 to 32 metres long and drill depths from 17 to 45 metres.